Friday, 20 March 2009

Spring is in the air ... and I've got a new bucket!

Fridays are my favourite day of the week! They are our only dedicated family day when neither of us ever has to go into work. So, even when they are filled with numerous boring jobs and a spot of housework, and even when I feel slightly groggy due to a bit of a sniffle coming on, they remain the best day of the week.

Today was particularly nice because of the sunshine. First up was my favourite domestic task - I absolutely love pegging out laundry ...


Next up was a trip into town to purchase various bits and bobs, we dropped by the garden centre for potting compost and I just had to have one of these fab green buckets! A total impulse buy - but at 99p I've hardly broken the bank :)


Post lunch we tackled a thorough house clean and tidy round - we have a house viewing tomorrow morning so we need the place to be spick and span. Then while Dave and his little helper baked bread and mowed the lawn I tackled sorting out the garden shed. Over winter it had deteriorated into complete chaos so it needed a thorough spring clean out. No before shots unfortuntely - but here is the work in progress...


There are still a few boxes of 'misc' crap in there but it now looks a lot less like a bombsite...


And to top it all off this evening I've sat ebay listing a pile of clothes I can no longer fit into post baby. The plan is if I make enough money I will invest in something crafty - probably a batch of wool to make myself something funky that fits.

Talk about productivity overload - time for bedfordshire me thinks.

Toodle pip

1 comment:

  1. LMAO at you getting excited over washing and green buckets!

    Must admit though, was just talking to my friend yesterday about how we now go and splurge on craft supplies instead of clothes: so rick n roll! ;)
