Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Sowing the seeds

I grabbed a quick half hour in the garden this afternoon. Things are starting to sprout (including the weeds!) and things are looking a little less soggy and bleak out there.

The first plant to be called into active production this year, as usual, will be my favourite - rhubarb.


I have three active plants and if the harvest is anything like last year I'll be stocking the freezer and no doubt be calling upon the Nigella archives again to help me use up the crop in something other than rhubarb crumble. Rhubarb ice cream anyone?

Then I popped these little beauties in - just cheapy supermarket ones this year...

Sweet pea pyramid - stage 1

Can you see where I'm going here? I have a vision of a colourful sweet pea pyramid cascading gently next to the path and providing me with daily batches of lovely scented blooms to put in my various little jugs on window sills round the house. Well a girl can dream can't she? Last year slugs ate most of them and the rest got toppled by strong winds but this year maybe my luck will be in!

I also planted a batch of salad leaves, leeks, beetroot, courgette and thyme. No photos as they are just pots of mud at the moment - Dave calls pots of mud my speciality as I'm awfully good at them and every sowing I usually end up with several duds!

Toodle pip

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