Friday, 5 April 2013

Easter round up

Our Easter hols have started to fly by, only a few days left to go before it will be back to work for me .... boo :(

We seem to have achieved quite a lot and have had a very busy week so far.

On Good Friday we packed the car to the gills, steeled ourselves for five hours of driving fun, and headed back to the hills for a few days in order to visit Grandma and Grandad. The weather was freezing but at least the sun shone. We managed a brisk walk along a bit of the seafront at Aberystwyth ...

And the boys enjoyed zooming around the castle re-enacting star wars and pirate battles ...

When the wind got too cold we retreated back indoors so I managed to get quite a bit of crafting done. Paper squares are currently being taped into 864 of these lovelies ready for the next wedding quilt ...

Squares at the ready

And I finished a last minute knitting project for me, inspired by the chilly spring weather we seem to be stuck with ...

Slouchy hat

Slouchy hat

Planning for the next house projects also started today, complete with two trips to the timber merchant to stock up on more wood. Most of it the right size - eventually! So while the tiddlers go to Nana's for a sleep over on Saturday its shelves for him and curtains for me. Here is a sneaky peak of my project ...

Stripey package

Very excited indeed to be finally doing these :)

Today was a chill out day in the main so I even managed to dust off my griddle and whip up some goodies inspired by our trip to Wales ...

Welsh Cakes

Twenty one of these sugar coated Welsh Cake yummies were produced at tea time, but only nine were left by the time I found the camera. As quick as they came off the griddle they were getting snaffled up. Ah well, at least they were appreciated.

Toodle pip

Big boy bed

Our baby is growing up fast.


Getting your big boy bed is a very exciting event and calls for much jumping and giggling :)

Thankfully, he has settled to sleeping in it like a pro and the old cot will be heading to ebay shortly. His big brother is impressed by the new sharing arrangements too, apparently now Caleb sleeps in the room with him Reuben will no longer get lonely at night. Awww!

Toodle pip